
This website is run by James Smith, an independent software engineer, web developer and author from the North of England in the UK.
Over the years, I’ve written code in C, C++, Java, Javascript, Kotlin, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby and Rust — but my abiding love is for Go. Its deceptive simplicity, elegant syntax and impressive power keep me coming back when other programming languages let me down.
Find Me Elsewhere on the Web
You can view my GitHub account, if you want to have a look at some of the personal projects I’ve worked on. Needless to say, ot all of my recent repositories are public.
My Pluralsight account shows some of the tech courses I’ve watched at various times in the past. However, I haven’t used it recently, simply because there is such a wide range of incredible material available for free online that I’ve also learned from. This website is my way of giving back to the coding community that has never failed to help me.
I recently created an Itch account, intending to use it as a place to upload some fun little games and online applications. I’m very proud to have been able to bag the username golang there!
Finally, I have an Esolangs account, where I have written about an esoteric programming language that I created.
Send Me a Message
You can contact me by email on golangprojectstructureATgmailDOTcom.
Alternatively, you can send me a message on my Twitter account.
Feel free to get in touch if you want to ask me a question, offer me work, tell me how wonderful I am, show me your code or even send me some guest-authored content that I could potentially consider publishing on this website.
Boost My Income
If you want to show your appreciation for anything I’ve done, or just give me a little economic stimulation and financial encouragement, then you can buy me a drink by visiting my Ko-fi page.
I will be extremely grateful for anything you can give, no matter how small.