Golang Project Structure

Tutorials, tips and tricks for writing and structuring code in Go (with additional content for other programming languages)



Let’s Do the Knuth Shuffle

A croupier in a casino shuffling a deck of cards by hard.

I know it sounds like a funky dance move, but the Knuth shuffle is actually an elegant method for randomly rearranging the elements in an array — or, as we Gophers tend to prefer, a slice. The algorithm is very easy to understand and implement, which means that you should be able to use it […]

Did You Know That Slices in Go Can Take Three Indices?

Three cute cats sitting in a row.

I’m going to show you a little snippet of syntax today that even many experienced Go programmers may not be aware exists, which involves performing an operation on an array or slice with the use of three different indices. We’ll look in more detail at this special syntax that’s used in a slice-indexing operation below. […]

Functional Programming With Slices

This post will explore the programming paradigm known as functional programming and discuss what restrictions it places on programmers, as well as how it helps in the process of developing and structuring code. We will then go through some practical examples of functional-style code written in Go, specifically looking at how generic functions can be […]

Adding Elements to a Slice

This post will discuss the various ways to add elements to a slice. Appending an element adds it to the end of the slice, whereas prepending it adds it to the beginning of a slice. It is also, of course, possible to add an element at any position in between. We will finish by looking […]

Removing Elements From a Slice

I’ve written in the past about how to reverse the order of all the elements in a slice, but today I’m going to discuss some of the ways that elements can be removed — in other words, deleted — from a slice in Go. When looking at the various ways to remove one or more […]

A Super Speed-up With Binary Search

In any programming language, there are two main algorithms used for finding a given value in an array: linear search and binary search. (Just to note: in Go, we generally use slices rather than arrays, but I’ll use those two terms interchangeably in this post, just for the sake of simplicity, since everything that I […]

Reversing a Slice

Slices in Go are equivalent to the data structures known as dynamic arrays or vectors in other programming languages. They simply allow us to collect data of the same type together, making it easy to access and pass around. Sometimes you may want to reverse the current order of your data, and this post discusses […]