Golang Project Structure

Tutorials, tips and tricks for writing and structuring code in Go (with additional content for other programming languages)



Playing With the Fibonacci Sequence in Go

You may have studied the Fibonacci sequence in school, but it’s also useful to know how to work with Fibonacci numbers as a professional software engineer or web developer, because it’s the kind of thing that job interviewers may ask us questions about when they want to test our knowledge or gauge our ability to […]

Are Golang Maps Thread-Safe?

Concurrency is such an integral part of Golang, because modern computers tend to have multiple processors and threads that code can run on. It’s therefore important that the data structures we use can be used across multiple threads — or, in our language, goroutines. A map in Golang is equivalent to a dictionary in Python […]

Reversing a Slice

Slices in Go are equivalent to the data structures known as dynamic arrays or vectors in other programming languages. They simply allow us to collect data of the same type together, making it easy to access and pass around. Sometimes you may want to reverse the current order of your data, and this post discusses […]